What is Spray Tanning?
Spray Tanning (also known as airbrush tanning), is when one of our thoroughly trained technicians uses a spray gun to apply tanning solution (DHA) evenly, over the entire body.
What is DHA?
DHA is the main tanning ingredient used in tanning solution. A simple carbohydrate and derivative of sugar cane and sugar beets, that is approved by the FDA for use in externally applied sunless tanning solutions.
Will my skin look streaky or orange after my Custom Airbrush/Spray Tan?
NOT AT ALL! Before, most spray tanning applications and formulations were administered incorrectly. That meant inconsistent coverage. Applications methods and formulations have taken a giant leap since then, making the overall experience and results far better. We guarantee our results, so you can feel confident with your color!
How long will my Custom Airbrush/Spray Tan last?
You can expect the tan to last anywhere between 10-14 days. The life of your tan all depends on how well the recommended skin care regimen is followed; before, during and after the professional application.
What should I wear?
This is the decision of the client. You can wear a bathing suit or you may also choose to wear the disposable underwear that we provide. Most of our clients go completely nude to avoid any lines and achieve the best result. Please make sure to bring loose clothing to wear after your tan. Our solution does not stain clothes and is completely hypoallergenic.
How long does it take?
The entire process takes about 20 minutes, this includes drying time.
Skin Care Tips for Before and After your Custom Airbrush/Spray Tan
We cannot stress this one enough. On the night prior to, or the morning of your appointment, always use a non-oil based exfoliant to properly even the skin’s surface.
Stay Smooth
Always shave or wax 24 hours before your appointment rather than the day of your session. Shaving/Waxing opens up the pores and they need to be closed for the tanning application. Shaving or Waxing too close to your session can result in the “spotty” large pore look.
No Make-Up or Lotion
The day of your tan, avoid any lotions, deodorants and make-up that may act as a barrier to prevent even application of your tan. You may apply powder to your face 2-4 hours after your session, but must avoid all liquids/lotions until after you shower.
No Showering or Any Activities That Make You Sweat!
The longer you wait to shower after your session, the better. The color has the opportunity to deepen and get darker the longer you leave the solution on. We recommend waiting a minimum of 8 to 10 hours before showering.
NOTE: Overexposure to highly chlorinated water, such as hot tubs and swimming pools, is not recommended even after your tan has developed.
Only Exfoliate Before Your Session
We recommend not exfoliating are using any abrasive cleansers in between sessions and up to 5 to 6 days following the session. A light non-abrasive moisturizing cleanser is suggested for keeping your skin hydrated and moisturized.
Moisturize Daily
After every shower and at night, we recommend using an approved post-sunless moisturizer. Approved daily post-sunless moisturizers contain hints of the active ingredient DHA, which will prolong and protect the life of your sunless tan.